Our Lady of the Lakes History

Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Congregation History

On July 1, 1998, due to the shortage of priests, St. Mary’s in Random Lake, St. Nicholas in Dacada, St. Patrick’s in Adell and St. Mary’s in Cascade, merged into one parish. The name of the newly-formed parish became Our Lady of the Lakes, with St. Mary’s in Random Lake becoming the main worship site. In June of 2005, Rev. Richard J. Cerpich (St. Mary’s last resident pastor) retired, and St. Mary’s Chapel in Cascade was closed. Later, the buildings in Cascade were sold.  In July, 2005, Our Lady of the Lakes-Random Lake, St. Mary’s-Lake Church and Holy Rosary-Fredonia began sharing co-pastors, with Rev. James P. Vojtik and Rev. Richard Fleischman being the first co-pastors. 

History of St. Mary's Chapel, Cascade




History of St. Mary's Chapel, Random Lake

Abridged History

Full History


History of St. Nicholas Chapel, Dacada


St. Nicholas & Our Lady of Luxembourg


History of St. Patrick Chapel, Adell

File:St Patricks Roman Catholic Church Front Sept 2013.jpg

Abridged History

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